CUSO Financial Services L.P.: (CRD#:42132/SEC#: 801-60300,8-49711)
This company also does business under the name CUSO Financial Services, Ltd., and is licensed in 53 U.S. States and Territories. They are located in San Diego, California. Recovering losses from CUSO Financial Services investment fraud is possible with the help of a skilled investment fraud attorney.
CUSO Financial was first formed in California in 1996. CUSO Financial is indirectly owned by Atria Wealth Solutions (AWS). AWS 3 Inc. owns 75 percent or more. AWS 1 LLC owns 25 percent but less than 50 percent.
CUSO Financial Services was established in 1997 and provides products and services to over 200 financial institutions throughout the country, with $30+ billion in assets under administration.