
Financial Advisor David Gray Dalton (Moors & Cabot, Inc.) Customer Complaints

David Gray Dalton (CRD # 2418235) was a Financial Advisor at Moors & Cabot, Inc. in Boston, MA.  David Dalton has been in the securities industry since since 1993 and previously worked at Tucker Anthony Incorporated and Smith Barney Inc.

According to publicly available records released by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), in February 2020, FINRA suspended David Dalton from the industry for exercising “discretionary trading authority in 221 of his Firm customers’ accounts without having first obtained written authorization from the customers of the Firm to treat the accounts as discretionary.”

“Dalton also failed to indicate that he had exercised discretionary trading authority, which caused the Firm to create and maintain inaccurate order memoranda in violation of Section 17(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) and Rule 17a-3 promulgated thereunder.  By causing the Firm to maintain these inaccurate books and records, Dalton violated NASD Rule 3110 (for conduct occurring before December 5, 2011), FINRA Rule 4511 (for conduct occurring on or after December 5, 2001), and FINRA Rule 2010.”

For a copy of the FINRA sanction, click https://www.finra.org/sites/default/files/fda_documents/2020065196801%20David%20Gray%20Dalton%20CRD%202418235%20AWC%20jlg.pdf

For a copy of David Dalton’s CRD, click https://brokercheck.finra.org/individual/summary/2418235#disclosuresSection

Financial advisors have a legal and regulatory obligation to recommend only suitable investments that are appropriate for their clients’ needs and objectives. Their employing brokerage firm has a legal and regulatory obligation to supervise the Financial Advisors’ sales practices and dealings with clients.  To the extent any of these duties are breached, the customer may be entitled to a recovery of his or her investment losses.

The Wolper Law Firm, P.A. represents investors nationwide in securities litigation and arbitration on a contingency fee basis.  Matt Wolper, the Managing Principal of the Wolper Law Firm, P.A., is a trial lawyer who has handled hundreds of securities cases during his career involving a wide range of products, strategies and securities.  Prior to representing investors, he was a partner with a national law firm, where he represented some of the largest banks and brokerage firms in the world in securities matters.  We can be reached at 800.931.8452 or by email at mwolper@wolperlawfirm.com.

Attorney Matthew Wolper

Attorney Matthew WolperMatt Wolper is a trial lawyer who focuses exclusively on securities litigation and arbitration. Mr. Wolper has handled hundreds of securities matters nationwide before the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), American Arbitration Association (“AAA”), JAMS, and in state and federal court. Mr. Wolper has handled and tried cases involving complex financial products and strategies ranging from traditional stocks and bonds to options, margin and other securities-based lending products, closed/open-end mutual funds, structured products, hedge funds, and penny stocks. [Attorney Bio]